WWE: 10 Best Title Belt Designs In The History Of Wrestling

2. TNA World Tag Team Championship

TNA Tag title 2

As far as tag titles go, these belts take the title. Simple, yet sophisticated, and easily recognizable. Simply outstanding.

The shape of the belts are very reminiscent of the WCW US Championship. The middle panel on the center plate has 2 panels behind it, which are all engraved expertly. The colour scheme aswell, the simplest of colours, black, gold and red, flawless really. When introduced to TNA in 2007, the titles have had the one design. The one you see here is the soul design for the TNA World Tag Team Championships, and really, I don't think they ever have to change them. I see no reason to. All of TNA's titles seem very similar, but not in a patronizing way, in a brand guidelines sort of way. They are all similar, but not the same, you can tell all of them are from the same company, and that's really what you want. As a pair of titles, they look great aswell.

TNA Tag titles

When you see a tag team walking down to the Impact Zone, you know they are the guys not to be messed with.

One thing I think is very important when designing belts, which I think a lot of people forget or don't include, is to make the belts big. These are perfect examples. These belts are huge. The whole title part of the belts, the 5 plates are their own part in this belt. Then you get the rest of the strap, the belts are massive. And that makes the people holding them look even tougher and more worthy of being the champions. Its subliminal and I quite frankly think it works.
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Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.