WWE: 10 Best Video Packages Ever Made

10. Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker €“ Wrestlemania 26

At Wrestlemania 25, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker produced what is considered by many to be the greatest Wrestlemania match of all time, and perhaps even the greatest match of all time. Naturally, knowing nothing could possibly top their monumental effort, they let the two legends go at it again the following year. After their match at Wrestlemania 25 won the match of the year, HBK called The Phenom out for a rematch, which was declined. Yet over the following months, HBK became obsessed about goading The Undertaker into another bout. After costing Taker the World Heavyweight Champion at the Elimination Chamber, The Deadman changed his mind the following night on Raw and accepted the challenge. Yet this match had an added dimension; it was The Streak vs. The Career. Shawn Michaels, who'd won every major championship going in an illustrious career, was hinting that his tenure at the WWE could come to an end. The anticipation of the match was built up brilliantly and despite common sense telling us different telling us otherwise, it was felt HBK might actually end The Streak. We all know the end result now, and this classic match brought the curtain down on HBK's historic career. It also brought down the last viable threat to Taker's steak; if anyone was going to be given the honour to end The Streak it was surely going to be HBK. Unless Vince is saving that honour for his poster boy John Cena, at which point God help us all.

Sab Sangha hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.