WWE: 10 Best Video Packages Ever Made

8. Triple H €“ Beautiful Day

Triple H is akin to marmite among wrestling fans; you either love him or hate him. The general consensus seems to be that the casual viewer likes Triple H as he's one of only a few stars left from the Attitude Era. But the diehard 'smarks' out there despise everything about Triple H; from his backstage political power to his ability to insert himself in major feuds. Whether it's being the 'mastermind' behind Rikishi running over Stone Cold, to attempting to derail the Summer of Punk and bury his momentum, Triple H is one of the most loathed individuals in wrestling. Despite all The Game's flaws, there's no doubting that in his peak he established himself as one of the top heels during the Attitude Era and produced great matches on a constant basis. What also cannot be doubted is his passion and enthusiasm for the business. This was clear to see during a tag match on Raw, where Triple H tore his quad, yet still soldiered on and finished the bout. The result was over a year out and intense therapy and rehabilitation. The Game returned to Madison Square Garden to an almighty pop, the biggest of his career. Much of the excitement and anticipation of his return was due to the excellent promo produced, showing the intense therapy The Game went through to recover, all topped off with an inspirational track from U2.

Sab Sangha hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.