WWE: 10 Biggest Swerves We Might See At WrestleMania 30

2. Evolution Rekindles

Another possibility that Triple H's involvement throws up is one that would dig up the past and use it to reshape the future. Given The Game's past with Randy Orton and Batista, could the COO use that to his advantage and bring about the reunion of the Evolution stable? For this to happen, Triple H could still lose to Bryan, thus suggesting that there will be no swerve at all in the WWE title match. Imagine the drama that would then unfold if he were to collude with Batista and Orton to screw Daniel Bryan out of yet another WWE title reign. With Orton and Batista both operating as heels it wouldn't be too difficult to sell such a storyline, and would avoid the borderline ridiculous idea of a part-timer authority figure leaving WrestleMania as the company's champion. An Evolution reunion would go down in history as one of the biggest 'Mania swerves of all time €“ rivalling the alignment of Steve Austin and Mr. McMahon back in 2001. It would be a fitting way to cap off a landmark instalment of such a monumental PPV.

Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.