10 Most Bizarre WWE Gimmicks

4. "I'm The Boogeyman!"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNh7zi184pQ No other wrestler in modern memory can claim to have a more bizarre gimmick than 'The Boogeyman.' Debuting in 2005, The Boogeyman was a wrestling gimmick straight out of a horror movie. With red face paint, a strange love for eating earth worms and a sinister desire to stalk superstars and confront them in the strangest of places, The Boogeyman was perhaps the WWEs twisted version of Freddy Kruger! More often than not The Boogeyman's appearance was sudden. He would announce his arrival with a rhyme and by shouting the line, "I'm The Boogeyman and I'm comin' to getcha!" before proceeding to smash a clock over his head as he went about attacking his next chosen victim. The many incidents of The Boogeyman terrorizing the WWE roster are memorable, but perhaps the most memorable incident occurred on an edition of Rowdy Roddy 'Piper's Pit.' During the interview segment John Bradshaw Layfield and his 'fixer' Jilian Hall were confronted by The Boogeyman who had been stalking them both for numerous weeks. A terrified Hall was seemingly paralyzed with fear when The Boogeyman suddenly sniffed her 'blemish' come growth situated on her cheek, before proceeding to lick and bite it off of her face completely. As the crowd looked on The Boogeyman would then proceed to eat the strange growth in one of the most revolting acts ever to occur in the WWE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foAQx7vBZYo Not only was The Boogeyman frightening and disgusting but his whole gimmick was outright bizarre from the moment he debuted right through to his very last WWE appearance.

Martin Rowe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.