WWE: 10 Most Charismatic Wrestlers Of All Time

5. John Cena

John Cena Easily the most controversial wrestler of the last 10 years, John Cena's been put through it all. Whether it be booing, cheering, yelling and screaming, Cena brings out the best and worst in people. With that being said, he's done a fantastic job of using it to his advantage for the past 10 years. John Cena can really do no wrong. Think about it, every single night Cena steps through the curtain and gets a MONSTER reaction. Good or bad it really doesn't matter, a reaction is what you live for as a wrestler. Cena's ability to play to the crowd and cut his promo based on their reaction is just smart. He's developed into a great talker over the years, cutting some wonderful promos in spite of us wanting him too. John Cena is the face of the WWE for a reason. He's been the only full time SUPERSTAR the WWE's had since The Rock or Austin. Cena carries himself like a superstar too. His walk, his physique, his entrance music, and his swagger are all second to none. Now you don't have to love the man but you sure as hell have to respect him.
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Former member of Jesse and the Rippers. Obsessed with wrestling. I'd only wear sweat pants and jerseys if it were socially acceptable. Beard enthusiast. Lover of sports, gaming, tattoos, writing, music, poker, tv, movies, food, sarcasm, laughing, debating and all things Louis C.K. and Larry David. Also if you have and or ever thought about wearing a visor and or fanny pack, I'm afraid we can't be friends.