WWE: The 10 Craziest Jim Ross Reactions To Amazing Spectacles

6. The Former Thug Is Robbed

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3WHwZVACPM The story going into WrestleMania 19 was that Booker T had done jail time, but turned his life around to win the WCW Heavyweight Title five times. Absorbed by WWE, that title was now on the waist of Triple H. It was the 'student of the game' versus 'the street thug', a theme that Jerry Lawler would recite ad nauseum throughout the match. Before the bell even rings, JR's patience is wearing thin. He informs Lawler that he's not even going to dignify his comments with an answer. Meanwhile, Ross is trying to shine a more flattering light on Booker. It's expected that a heel announcer will clash with the babyface announcer, as Lawler and Ross do here, but JR is clearly tired of Lawler's schtick, above and beyond any kayfabe banter between them. Lawler clumsily runs through his list of "jokes" about how privileged Triple H is, and how unworthy of respect Booker T is. For the most part, JR ignores him. But when it becomes clear that "The King" isn't going to let up on his skewering of Booker T, Ross quips, "You're no stranger to the court room", possibly referring to Lawler being charged (and acquitted) with rape in 1993. You KNOW Ross must have been aggravated if he's dropping snarky comments like this. "You're mean spirited, come on this is WrestleMania!" crows Lawler. But within seconds, Lawler digs deeper by saying "People like Booker T will never be champion" which incites a new level of anger in JR: "WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DO YOU MEAN?" Then he simmers back down, and seems to take solace in calling the match with great detail. Lawler wonders if Booker T is having flashbacks to being behind bars. Rage ensues. Ross: "Why don't you get off that horse, you've ridden it to the god €“ to the ground. TO THE GROUND!" Lawler: "Easy, JR! We're at WrestleMania!" Ross: "I KNOW we're at WrestleMania!" They manage to restrain themselves for another few minutes, until Booker T does a crazy flip off the top rope onto Triple H's head on the mat. A "holy s**t" chant rings out through Safeco Field. Ross expresses concern that Booker T has wrecked his knee in the process, and Lawler says he should be more worried about Triple H. "Why don't you run down and give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, if you're so damn worried about it!" spits JR. And we have officially reached the point where every phrase out of Lawler's mouth rubs Ross the wrong way. "Good call, ref!" says Lawler. "Good call ref, good call ref," taunts JR in a grating, nasally voice. "It ain't ballet! It ain't your softball league in Memphis." Triple H pulls out the victory, an infuriating one for fans who hung high hopes on Booker taking back the belt. But I don't think anyone was more infuriated than Jim Ross at Jerry Lawler.

Follow me @kickyhick :) I hold a degree in English Rhetoric & Professional Writing from the University of Waterloo in Canada. I've done technical writing, executive presentations, and recruiting materials for BlackBerry, and I write for non-profit organizations. My favourite project so far has been combining my passion for writing with being a die-hard wrestling fan. It's a pleasure to write here for WhatCulture, and also for TJRwrestling.com.