WWE: The 10 Craziest Jim Ross Reactions To Amazing Spectacles

5. It Was Triple H After All

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gMvseWYvFY This was a bit of a convoluted storyline in the autumn of 2000. Rikishi claimed to be responsible for several attacks on Steve Austin, because Austin represented just one more white man being put over instead of a Samoan performer (in this case, Austin being put over Rikishi's cousin The Rock). The attacks included running over Austin with a car, and many other assaults by a mysterious assailant. After "accidentally" helping him win the title, Rikishi teamed with Kurt Angle for a match against The Rock and Steve Austin on Raw. Just prior to the match, The Rock was attacked, and sent off in an ambulance. This set the stage for Austin to take them on anyways, in a handicap match. Austin comes out like a house of fire, pulling Angle from the ring and beating him senseless in hopes of evening the odds. JR breaks out one of his trademark sayings, "He's stomping a mudhole in the champion, and wanted to walk it dry". Despite Rikishi intervening, Austin holds his own against both men (relying on a few low blows to do so €“ I guess it's not just a handicap match but also No DQ). The crowd jeers at Rikishi when the big Samoan retrieves a sledgehammer from beneath the ring. Before he can strike Austin with it, Stone Cold strikes again. The sledgehammer is dropped and the fight continues, as the fans chant for The Rock to return and help Austin. Then Triple H's music blares, and The Game struts down to the ring in his wrestling gear. He rains repeated blows down on Angle's head, as JR croaks out "By God we've got a tag team match now!" and Triple H dispenses with Angle and picks up the sledgehammer. The announce team begs Triple H to spare Angle from the sledgehammer's blow, which makes it look like even more of a swerve when he uses it on Steve Austin. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD, TRIPLE H JUST HIT AUSTIN WITH THE BASE OF THE SLEDGEHAMMER!" Jim Ross's voice is so hoarse by this point, it really makes this singular action seem HUGE. For his part, Jerry Lawler's voice has gone completely soprano, as he screeches, "What? What is this??" and JR concurs with, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Triple H dons a black glove, the better to beat Austin in the head with, over and over while JR loses his mind. Next, Triple H hits the referee with said glove, and instructs Rikishi to banzai-drop his posterior onto Austin's chest. "I SWEAR TO GOD THAT'LL STOP YOUR HEART, RIGHT HERE IN TEXAS!" JR sounds like he is on the verge of losing his voice; he is quite unhinged by this betrayal. Taking the microphone, Triple H confesses, with pride, that he was indeed behind all of these attacks. If we didn't care too much about this turn of events, JR will by God make sure we do. "SOMEONE TELL ME WHY, DAMMIT... TELL ME WHY, TRIPLE H, YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHY?"

Follow me @kickyhick :) I hold a degree in English Rhetoric & Professional Writing from the University of Waterloo in Canada. I've done technical writing, executive presentations, and recruiting materials for BlackBerry, and I write for non-profit organizations. My favourite project so far has been combining my passion for writing with being a die-hard wrestling fan. It's a pleasure to write here for WhatCulture, and also for TJRwrestling.com.