WWE: The 10 Craziest Jim Ross Reactions To Amazing Spectacles

3. His Daddy's What?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=545ikEanL28 It was a time of Kiss-My-Ass Clubs and The Evil Chairman Vince McMahon. At 51 years old, McMahon cut a stunning figure, all leathery skin and mind-boggling muscles. He inserted himself into the most important storylines and main events, but for the most part he earned every minute in the spotlight. Vince was as fearless in the ring as he was in the boardroom, a trait that would pay off in spades when he feuded with Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 22. Who better to oppose Vince than The Heartbreak Kid, a wrestler whose skills had elevated him beyond reproach in the eyes of the fans €“ and, whose skills could protect Vince in a risky situation. Part of the build to WrestleMania involved some brutality, and some demeaning acts on Vince's part. He forced many people €“ Jim Ross included €“ to literally kiss his ass. This act informed JR's intense hate for Vince, which translates to brilliantly-vitriolic commentary for this match. There is so little wrestling here, but it hardly matters. At ringside, Vince poses beside a large framed copy of his recent Muscle and Fitness Magazine cover. It is one seriously eerie tableau. But it's also Shawn Michaels' cue to start beating the cockiness out of his boss, and JR loves every second of it: "McMahon's head, cracking on the table! Just too damn bad!" Ross loses his mic when Vince is tossed into his lap, but recovers it just in time to call the action when HBK smashes the framed poster over Vince's head: "Hit him in the head with it, and then SHOVE IT UP HIS ASS! How would that be?" He cracks me up with that line every time I watch this match, one of my favourites for the comedy alone. Speaking of comedy, enter The Spirit Squad, whose megaphone gets used against them by the ever-resourceful Heartbreak Kid. JR calls them idiots for bringing along the weapon of their own demise, and the way he says "Idiots" with his bitter drawl gets me smiling every time. The next entrant in this slapstick marathon is Shane McMahon, who gets the old bait-and-switch played on him and ends up joining an unsavoury club: "Shane just got his face buried in his Daddy's crack!" The lewd visual, coupled with JR's delivery, makes this the best of lowbrow entertainment. It's an annual watch, at minimum, at my house. When Shawn hits Vince with a skull-splitting chair shot, JR announces that "McMahon's on queer street, not that there's anything wrong with that!" But the crowning glory of this match comes when Shawn puts a metal trash can over Vince's head and torso, lays him down across a table, and drops a flying elbow on him from high atop a super-tall ladder. It is beyond insane, and they lived to tell the tale, and the only thing Jim Ross can say to express himself is, "OH MY GAWD! OH MY GAWD! OH MY GAWD!"

Follow me @kickyhick :) I hold a degree in English Rhetoric & Professional Writing from the University of Waterloo in Canada. I've done technical writing, executive presentations, and recruiting materials for BlackBerry, and I write for non-profit organizations. My favourite project so far has been combining my passion for writing with being a die-hard wrestling fan. It's a pleasure to write here for WhatCulture, and also for TJRwrestling.com.