WWE: 10 Divas From The 90s That We Loved

1. Sunny

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVKTDopir4A The first real "diva" in WWE was Sunny (real name Tammy Sytch). Whether the term was first used for her is a debate that can be settled at other times, but when you watched her perform that's exactly what she was. She was also one of the best looking women in wrestling history that saw many men and teenage boys (like myself in the 90s) with her poster on their walls. I think what's very impressive about Sunny is that she got her start in WWE at such a young age. She was only 22 years old when she started and you could tell right from the get go that she knew she could get away with anything. Mostly used a heel with the Bodydonnas and then with Skip (her long time boyfriend, the late Chris Candido), Sunny was a heat magnet that manipulated men to get what she wanted. Her run as the manager of Legion of Doom (or LOD 2000) was an ice idea, but it didn't last too long. Her run in WWE lasted for about four years before moving on to ECW and WCW as well as the independents, where she still appears occasionally. She has wrestled occasionally, but for the most part she's best known as a manager. I always felt like WWE wasted her talents a bit because she was such a natural at everything she did that they should have used her in more featured roles. If she was managing more talent in the mid to late 1990s it would have benefitted them because she was one of the most popular people on the roster. Sunny was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011 and was the youngest member to be inducted at the time. She's certainly had her legal troubles in her life as well as personal demons, but it was great to be able to see her acknowledged for all that she accomplished in her career.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.