WWE: 10 Divas From The 90s That We Loved

3. Chyna

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE7eS-Eebss The key to standing out in the wrestling business is to be different than others. If you're too much like others then nobody is going to think about you because they have other people they can look at and get the same thing out of. In Chyna's case, nobody was like her. While others may try to be like her, few could pull it off. When Chyna debuted as the bodyguard of Triple H, it was a perfect fit. Hunter was the kind of heel that won a lot of matches in a cheap manner, so for him to have a woman bodyguard and win matches thanks to her was the right thing for his character. Later, she became a focal point in the Degeneration X group and she thrived in that role. Her problems started to crop up once she became more of the focus that didn't rely on others as much. Chyna can make a claim that no other woman in wrestling history can really make - she is the only that can she was the Intercontinental Champion. It didn't happen once either. It happened three times. Did that piss off some fans at the time? It definitely did. Wrestlers likely weren't that happy about it either. Even though she was a bigger woman, she was still smaller than most of the guys and they had to sell for her like she was bigger. A lot of fans think about Chyna now and snicker because her career has gone downhill. She became addicted to alcohol and drugs while also having a career in porn. Apparently she's put that all behind her these days, so hopefully she can have a peaceful life going forward. Will she ever make the WWE Hall of Fame? It's unlikely. Considering that she used to date Triple H and he apparently cheated on her with Stephanie McMahon, I doubt WWE is going to call her back any time soon.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.