WWE: 10 ECW Match Types That Should Be Resurrected From Its Heyday

1. No Rope, Barbed Wire Match

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNZbL-Dksf4 Perhaps, ECW's most iconic match. The most infamous was between the hardcore legend Terry Funk and the homicidal, suicidal, genocidal Sabu where they both took each other took the limit with no welfare for themselves and tore each other to shreds. This extreme match is certainly full on iconic imagery, just looking at the ring where the ropes are replaced with barbed wire is shocking. Then you get to each of the competitors covered in blood and torn up in pieces. Will it ever happen in WWE? No, but it would certainly be interesting. They have proven that they will do different things including the 'Ring of Fire' match at Summerslam between Bray Wyatt and Kane so there are certainly characters who may benefit from being in a match like a barbed wire match, but the level of violence will certainly never be matched and nor should it.
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