WWE: 10 Fascinating Backstage Facts About Sting

2. The Real Sting

There's some irony to the fame and name that the wrestler Sting shares with the rock star Sting. Both men saw their solo fame skyrocket in the late 80's to early 90's, and some fans even believed them to be one of the same person. The confusion is of course ridiculous, but I suppose in the days before the internet, the audience really weren't smart. Given Eric Bischoff's love of celebrity angles, it's a minor miracle that 'ATM Eric' didn't go after running an angle of WCW Sting vs Rockstar Sting. The truth is that the REAL Sting is Steve Borden. According to IMDB.com, Borden owns the trademark for the name 'Sting'. Gordon Sumner in contrast just calls himself Sting. After both sharing the same name for nearly three decades now, I doubt Borden is going to be demanding any fees from musician Sting any time soon. For the most part there shared fame under the Sting name has never caused any clash of interests, despite the odd confused wrestling fan. If only the World Wildlife Fund had the same sort of patience.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.