WWE: 10 Gimmicks That Should Have Failed (But Didn't)

1. The Undertaker

The Undertaker Could you imagine watching Wrestlemania without the streak? How about never seeing a Taker casket match ? Buried alive match? Never hearing that ominous gong of a bell right before the lights go dark? All these things and more we would have missed had Mark Calaway not been given the most destined to fail gimmicks, and made it work. The undertaker is such an intricate part of the WWE framework that it's hard to believe that it could have happened.The gimmick should have gone the way as many others, like Repo Man, did during that time. Yet Mark showed a fierce determinations and a remarkable story telling skill that allowed the fans to forget what they knew. Making them believe that they were really looking at a dead man. To this day, when at a live event and you hear that distinctive sound, chills run down your spine and your heart jumps in your chest. After 20 plus years being a fan, that says something.
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Struggling author who can string a couple good sentences together. Has an insane passion for anything professional Wrestling and Doctor Who. Likes her villans a little more than she should and firmly believes that the movie industry has bled her poor Anti-hero Batman dry.