WWE: 10 Gimmicks That Should Have Failed (But Didn't)

2. Goldust

Who would have ever dreamed that a painted gold, movie obsessed cross-dresser with tourettes would ever get over with the WWE crowd? I certainly didn't and neither did a lot of people but that just goes to show the skill and determination of Dustin Rhodes. He could have allowed his gimmick to drag him down until he was an after thought . Instead he made the decision to own his character and by doing so he found himself in some of the biggest most memorable moments of the Attitude Era. Now we get to see him teaming with his brother Cody, in better shape than he's ever been and honestly with more heat behind him than he's experience in some time, if ever. No matter how far his teaming goes though, he will forever be the Bizarre One and that's why we love him.
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Struggling author who can string a couple good sentences together. Has an insane passion for anything professional Wrestling and Doctor Who. Likes her villans a little more than she should and firmly believes that the movie industry has bled her poor Anti-hero Batman dry.