WWE: 10 Gimmicks That Should Have Failed (But Didn't)

7. The Ultimate Warrior

Many fans, especially the ones growing up in the 80's, had a desperate need for heroes. Vince, well, he was the man to provide. What did he do when the heroes on earth were few and far between, why he went to another planet of course and brought us The Ultimate Warrior. Because...a warrior from outer space makes perfect sense? Sure Hellwig looked the part of what was typical of a WWE wrestler back in the day. His high energy entrance hyped you up and got you out of your seat but besides that he really was a train wreck. His promos are such a disaster that watching them today actually causes physical pain. The only reason he's mentioned on this list is because, despite how horrible he was in the ring and on the mic, he still got over with the crowd. Young kids loved the energized superstar, filling the stands with signs and loud applause that, for the time, were nearly deafening. For one of the first times, we saw someone rise to almost Hogan status and some of us are still scratching our heads wondering how on earth it happened.
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Struggling author who can string a couple good sentences together. Has an insane passion for anything professional Wrestling and Doctor Who. Likes her villans a little more than she should and firmly believes that the movie industry has bled her poor Anti-hero Batman dry.