WWE: 10 Greatest Canadian Wrestlers Ever

2. Chris Jericho

chris-jericho The Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla Chris Jericho is a man of many talents that has worked his way from a guy wrestling all over the world to becoming one of the biggest household names in the wrestling business. Jericho was actually born in Manhasset, New York, but he grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba and considers himself to be Canadian. Like many others in this list, he trained at the Hart Dungeon in Calgary because he wanted to be the best he could he could possibly. After 20+ year career, Jericho can call himself one of the best wrestlers ever. There are so many layers to Jericho's career that it's hard to narrow down one thing that he's the best at. In terms of his work on the microphone, he's one of the best ever. Top 10? Definitely. Top 5? He very well may be. Few people could go from such extremes as being an eccentric "party host" as he called himself to being an arrogant heel that never smiled. If you watched Jericho from 2000 and 2008 it's as if it was a completely different person. That's how good of a performer he was. The best ones thrive in any role they are in. The best run of Jericho's career took place in 2008 when he was a suit wearing heel who talked down to everybody because he knew he was smarter than them. He was just smarter with his words and he was happy to brag about it to all of us. Remember that feud with Shawn Michaels in 2008? It was wrestling perfection. They hit on all the right emotions with Jericho showing no remorse when he accidentally punched Michaels wife and Michaels did everything he could to get revenge. Their ladder match that ended the feud at No Mercy 2008 is a classic that Jericho won and he's said many times that it's his best feud ever. He's right about that. His list of championships is a long one. He held the World Heavyweight Championship (3 times), WCW World Title (2 times), World Tag Team Championship (5 times), WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times), WWE Intercontinental Championship (9 times), WWF European Championship (1 time), WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time) and of course the Undisputed WWF Championship once in 2001 when he beat Steve Austin and The Rock in the same night. Even though he's not currently in WWE, Jericho isn't considered retired. Now 43 years old, there are always rumors that he could come back at any time. That's because he's gone and come back a few times since 2005. He can do it because every time he comes back he proves just how great he is. Whether he comes back before WrestleMania or he calls it a career, Jericho's legacy is intact as one of the best wrestlers ever.
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Bret Hart
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.