WWE: 10 Greatest Canadian Wrestlers Ever

3. Edge

Edge Wwe In the third spot is the man with my favorite theme song in wrestling history, the man known as Adam Copeland aka Edge. "Metalingus" is the perfect wrestling song. I'll always think highly of it. I'll be honest when I say it was difficult to rank Edge ahead of Piper. If he saw this he may not think he's worthy of being in this spot and that's fine. However, when I think back to his entire career I think he has far too many great matches for me to rank him after a guy like Piper, who was pretty inconsistent in the ring. The first part of his WWE career featured the tag team with Christian that was already written about earlier. They had chemistry like a pair of brothers that knew everything about each other because they grew up together as best friends. They were even billed as brothers in WWE for a while until that was eventually dropped without warning. Following the breakup of Edge & Christian (as well as major neck surgery), Edge toiled in the midcard for a few years. Feuds with the likes of Kurt Angle helped him a lot, but didn't get him to that main event level. Everything came together in 2005 when he was paired up with Lita. The story goes that Lita was dating Matt Hardy at the time. Hardy was out injured, so Lita ended up cheating on Hardy with Edge. Of course, since this is WWE they ended up using it as a storyline and Edge became one of the most hated guys in the business. Was it a conventional way of doing things? No. But it worked. From there the "Rated R Superstar" was born. While I don't know it as 100% fact, he could have more championship reigns than anybody in the history of WWE. It's pretty amazing considering his WWE career went from his debut of 1998 until he was forced to retire in 2011 due to a neck injury. A 14 year career is impressive, but there are a lot of performers that went longer. Here's his championship tally: WWE Title (4x), World Heavyweight Title (7x), Tag Team Titles (14x total), Intercontinental Title (5x), US Title, King of the Ring in 2001, the 2010 Royal Rumble winner and the Hall of Fame in 2012. Of course a guy like him and anybody from 2002 onwards benefits from working in WWE with two major World Titles, but it's still impressive. It's a shame that Edge's career was cut short due to a serious neck injury, but in reading interviews and hearing him talk he seems fine with the decision. It's certainly better than sustaining a major injury in the ring that shortens his life. We should be happy that he was able to walk away with his head held high as one of the best wrestlers ever not just from Canada, but in the history of WWE as well.
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Bret Hart
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.