WWE: 10 Greatest Canadian Wrestlers Ever

9. Lance Storm

Lance Storm Lance Storm is a wrestler that made a name for himself in ECW, then WCW and then on the biggest stage in WWE. Along the way, his main catchphrase was to tell people where he was from: Calgary (long pause)... Alberta (long pause)... Canada. He wasn't known as a guy that had a strong personality. In fact, when he was in WWE they made it a point to mention that he didn't have a strong personality. I never really liked that because it accentuated his weakness. It makes more sense to focus on somebody's strengths. Storm was a very successful midcard performer wherever he went. In ECW he was a 3-time Tag Team Champion, in WCW he was a 3-time US Champ, 1-time Cruiserweight Champion and 1-time Hardcore Champion. He actually held them all at the same time at one point. When he got to WWE the gold kept rolling in with one Intercontinental Title reign and he was a 4-time Tag Team Champion as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d42Kz19iSfs What's cool about Storm is that he came up in the business with Chris Jericho. They started out together as the Thrillseekers and have maintained a close friendship all these years. Storm also had a run working in the developmental system where he helped to train some current WWE stars like Dolph Ziggler. You don't always have to become a top guy to have a successful career in wrestling. Lance Storm made a name for himself by working hard and having consistently good matches for a long time. He's living proof of hard work paying off.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.