4. Do Not Pillowcase The Samoan
During a show in England bored indie wrestling legends Steve Corino, Chris Hamrick and Low Ki decide to get wet pillowcases and randomly call on other wrestlers in the same hotel and hit them in the face with them. This all goes relatively well for a short time other than when they attempt to do this to Al Snow who answers the door with a bucket of water and drenches all three. Somewhat chastened the trio find AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe playing cards in the lobby. Whilst they are keen to nail Daniels and Styles no one is particularly keen to try this crap on Samoa Joe due to his very real propensity to cause people significant harm. Step in clueless British wrestler (unnamed but probably PAC) who has been watching the nights hilarity and wants to be involved in true Scrappy Doo fashion. Corino tells him that he can join in but he must pillowcase Samoa Joe whilst they do the other two. Idiot agrees and Corino tells him that all four will start running at count of three and just blitz their intended targets before circling back around and running for cover. All agree and Corino counts down 3..2...1 and Go! Idiot British wrestler takes off at a sprint whilst Corino, Low Ki and Hamrick all just sit down on the sofas. The kid nails Samoa Joe a good two or three times with the pillowcase before realising that, not only have his compatriots abandoned him but Joe isn't taking this in the spirit in which it was intended. The kid runs and Joe pursues but luck is not on this kids side as he tries to get away from the very angry samoan behemoth chasing him he happens to pass by the couch where Corino is still sat who promptly trips him allowing Joe to catch the young prankster and fully explain to him the folly of his actions through the medium of fists and feet.