WWE: 10 Greatest Superstars That Never Won The World Title

1. Roddy Piper

roddy piper

From a business standpoint the answer is Rowdy Roddy Piper. There may not have been anyone more hated than Piper was in 1985. It could have drawn huge numbers having Piper win the belt and drop it back to Hogan.It's insane to think that the Hot Rod never held the WWE or WCW World Title when he was as popular as Hulk Hogan at one point. He was one of the most charismatic wrestlers of all time and had some great matches and moments in wrestling, and it's nuts that he didn't hold a world championship.

Disagree with any of the above or just want to add some wrestlers you believe should have been given a title run, well please feel free to add your comments below.

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