WWE: 10 Greats Who Never Won The Royal Rumble

3. Kurt Angle

kurt angle wwe Kurt Angle is a wrestling machine. I've never been truly convinced that he's human. My most likely theory is that he's a being from an alternate dimension who can only save his home world by suplexing every person on planet earth. I'll be honest I think Angle could do it. 7 billion suplexes seems as likely to winning an Olympic Gold medal with a broken neck. Kurt's not been in the WWE since 2006, but during his 7 years in WWE he accumulated a huge number of accolades. He won nearly every belt available, and also the King of the Ring tournament in 2000. His incredible litany of belts and achievements is missing very little, but Royal Rumble winner is an obvious one. Kurt appeared at 7 Royal Rumble events, but only managed to get into the Rumble match on 3 occasions. His appearance in 2005 lasted less than a minute, with Shawn Micheals taking Kurt out of the match to continue their heated rivalry. The closest Kurt came to winning this match was in 2002 when he was the runner-up, being eliminated by the winner Triple H. Kurt was more than capable of carrying a Rumble match, but he was never asked to take on an early number and go the distance. Kurt's never actually gone over half an hour in a Royal Rumble, indeed his longest time is only ten seconds longer than wrestling pig farmer Phineas I. Godwinn (more recently known as Mideon, or scarily Naked Mideon). That's a ridiculous statistic. Which Royal Rumble could they have won? 2002. Angle was a huge star by this point, and was delivering the goods in terms of match quality week after week. An Angle win at this point would have given us a main event of Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho for the Undisputed Championship. I'm sure that would be a match most WWE fans would have been happy to see.
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Royal Rumble
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A 27 year old man who should know better. An actual RE teacher. Living in the North of the United Kingdom with his partner and two rabbits. The rabbits are called Jasper and Isabella, and they are the inspiration for most of his work, as well as eating USB cables.