WWE: 10 Heaviest Ever Wrestlers (And What They Actually Weighed)

9. The Big Show €“ 500lbs

Here€™s a man whose actual weight is a little more questionable. After officially adopting the €œBig Show€ gimmick, he was consistency marketed at a well-rounded 500lbs. For me, that seems a little too convenient. After all, 7 Feet tall, 500lbs certainly has a better ring to it than the 441lbs that he has more recently been billed at. As well as this, he€™s also been announced at 485lbs, 425lbs, and back in his WCW days, somewhere around the 450 mark. This last measure is perhaps more telling, as he definitely appeared to be in better physical condition prior to joining the WWE. Thus it€™s entirely possible that the Big Show that we saw of the early 2000s was indeed a mammoth 500lbs. And furthermore, more often than not these changes in his billed weight came after an absence from WWE television. He could easily have adapted his training or diet and shed a few pounds during this time off. So for the sake of the argument, I€™d say with confidence that although Big Show isn€™t anywhere near that number now, he has weighed upwards of 500lbs at some point in his career €“ thus ensuring he takes the no. 9 spot on our top 10 list.
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