Little known superstar Dwayne Johnson, who you may remember as "The Blue Chipper" Rocky Maivia, has actually been more successful than any of the other guys on this list both in the wrestling ring and the box office. The obscure 2 time USWA World Tag Team Champion has appeared in movies such as Planet 51, and television hits like Cory in the House. While not quite the Hollywood powerhouse of the legendary Hulk Hogan, Dwayne Johnson still carved out a nice career as an actor and you really aren't buying this are you. Fine. In reality, The Rock is the obvious front runner when it comes to any conversation about actors who were also wrestlers. Or wrestlers who were also actors. Or college football players who were also sons of wrestlers. Or... really anything. Say what you will about the guy and whether or not he should have come back, or at least whether or not he should have done more cardio before he did, but he really is the biggest star since Hogan. Actually, you can easily make the argument that he is a bigger star than Hogan if you weight Hollywood more heavily than wrasslin'. Suburban Commando or Santa With Muscles never made $100 million dollars, and Hogan never outdrew Tony Stark at the box office either. The Rock might not have bodyslammed the 900 pound Andre the Giant in front of infinity-thousand screaming Hulkamanics, but he is an eight time world champion who grossed over a billion dollars in 2013. Plus he has actually been an actor for longer than he was a wrestler at this point so it is only fair he gets top billing here. Although, please Rock, no more title runs.
Gavin Bard was an American poet, novelist and short story writer. His writing was influenced by the social, cultural, and economic ambiance of his home city of Los Angeles. His work addresses the ordinary lives of poor Americans, the act of writing, alcohol, relationships with women, and the drudgery of work. In 1986 Time called Bard a "laureate of American lowlife".
Wait, crap, hold on a second. That is Bukowski. Sorry. Gavin plays too many video games, thinks pro wrestling is the world's best performance art, and considers Hunter S. Thompson a better journalistic influence than Edward R. Murrow.