WWE: 10 Hottest Free Agents In Wrestling Today

2. Sin Cara (Mistico)

sin cara For those of you who only saw (the original incarnation of ) Sin Cara in WWE, let me tell you this - they signed him because he was the most exciting wrestler in the world. No, honestly........ Performing as Mistico in Mexico for years, he developed into an outstanding high-flying, charismatic wrestler, who could get over with any crowd. Fast forward to his time in WWE and we find a wrestler who didn't really stand out from the crowd, displayed only flashes of charisma and was disliked by many in the back because he carried himself as star (despite the fact that that was why they signed him in the first place!) I can't see him signing for TNA, as he wouldn't get the contract he would want. I also can't see WWE jumping at the chance to bring him back into the company. However, in fantasy land, if either company were to give him a decent contract, and allow him to be who he really is in the ring, he would get over instantly and be that link to the Hispanic demographic in the USA that both companies have been searching for. We can but wish.......
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I am a teacher, but also write about all things wrestling. I have been writing/interviewing wrestling personalities for over 7 years for both the Wrestling Observer site, as well as The History Of WWE site.