WWE: 10 Hottest Free Agents In Wrestling Today

7. Chris Masters

Chris Masters This is possibly the strangest one of them all. Chris was brought up to the WWE main roster too early, based solely upon his look, which led to his failing WWE Wellness Policy tests and being released in 2007. When he returned in 2009 he was leaner and had really worked hard to develop his skills as a wrestler. This was why it came as a shock when they released him from his contract in 2011, as he was a pretty good wrestler by this point. I have had the opportunity to interview Chris twice, the last of which was in March of 2013, just after he had helped to rescue his mother from a house fire by uprooting a tree that was blocking the way of the emergency services. Yes, you read that right. Masters, much like his friend Carlito (who only just missed the top ten!) is someone who should be in high mid-card level feuds in WWE as I write this. It shocks me that he isn't in a major company right now. He's the perfect age (31) to be brought up and showcased. I hope someone in power in WWE or TNA see sense quickly.
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I am a teacher, but also write about all things wrestling. I have been writing/interviewing wrestling personalities for over 7 years for both the Wrestling Observer site, as well as The History Of WWE site.