WWE: 10 Huge Errors On The Road To WrestleMania 30

3. Not Using Daniel Bryan AT ALL On Raw Just Two Weeks Before Mania

Another mistake which just defies logic. Two weeks removed from the biggest show of the year, the WWE goes to New York with its flagship TV show and doesn't even bother to feature its hottest star in the company. Fair enough, Bryan was selling an injury from the previous week's Raw, WWE were trying to make Hunter look a badass. However, Bryan didn't even come out in Brooklyn for the dark match after the cameras stopped rolling. WWE had made the decision simply not to bother using him at all. It's an undoubted error. Bryan is the biggest asset in the company heading into Mania, he is the key selling point for the event. How can the WWE possibly think it was a good idea to not utilise him just two weeks removed from his main event. Surely they could have found something for him to do. The fact he didn't come out at all in Brooklyn was a blatant rip-off of the New York fans and hurt the TV viewers too. If you have an asset like Bryan, use him.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.