WWE: 10 Huge Errors On The Road To WrestleMania 30

2. The Poorly Devised Undercard

Seriously, after thinking of the four main events, did WWE just come up with the rest of the card in a couple of minutes on a napkin with a pencil? "Let's just take all the other guys and bung them in a battle royal," someone must have suggested. "Great idea, hey let's just do that with the Divas too, just put them all in the ring," another creative genius probably chirped in. It just isn't good enough compared to some of the scenarios WWE could have done. The Diva match in particular is completely pointless, it's the kind of nonsense we could watch on Raw for free. The Andre implication makes the male battle royal a bit more enticing, but in truth, it's just a way of dressing up the fact WWE didn't have a clue about what to do with around 30 people. This kind of underdeveloped undercard cheapens the whole event. Mania should feel special, it needs to be top notch up and down the card in order to justify its price tag and 'superbowl' status. If WWE books undercards like this then in the long run it will hurt perceptions. Having 54 performers across just two matches is plainly ridiculous.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.