WWE: 10 Incredible Money In The Bank Ladder Match Spots

7. John Morrison€™s Moonsault With A Ladder (2008)

There have been plenty of times in the history of professional wrestler has hit a moonsault off the top and landed on either one or a bunch of wrestlers on the outside: it€™s a standard high risk attack that still gets a ton of pop from the crowd whenever it€™s done successfully. But in the Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 24, Morrison stood out from all the other wrestlers who have ever performed this move by factoring in one extra element: the ladder. It must have been tough to keep a solid grip on the ladder while climbing the turnbuckle, but Morrison was able to make his way up, hold the ladder in his hands, and once the other wrestlers stood in position on the outside, Morrison performed his moonsault causing himself, and the ladder, to collide with the others. Usually just the wrestler jumping and diving on his opponents is more than enough, but Morrison cranked the spot up another notch and by doing so he created a moment that wrestling fans go back to time and time again with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.