WWE: 10 Incredible Money In The Bank Ladder Match Spots

3. The Ladder Bridge (2009)

This Money in the Bank match went pretty crazy. From Shelton Benjamin€™s sick swanton off the top of an impossibly high ladder to Kingston running up a folded ladder while Mark Henry held onto it, there were many moments that could have made it onto this list very easily. But one moment in this match that gets remembered more than any other is the ladder bridge. In this match, Benjamin stood out as the MVP (other than MVP) of the match by doing something that could never have been done on any other wrestling show at that time. With the use of three ladders, Benjamin was able to create a makeshift bridge that guided him from the outside of the ring all the way up to the ladder where MVP was attempting to grab the briefcase. Benjamin not only kept his balance by walking across the ladder bridge, but shortly thereafter he was able to catch MVP in a sunset flip powerbomb. The move was botched, but it was still a great effort from a man who brought his A game to these matches year after year.

My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.