WWE: 10 Injuries With The Worst Timing Possible

7. Triple H Tears His Right Quad January 2007

Well, at least he already knew how to recover from a torn quadricep. Unfortunately, the timing of this injury wasn't any better as it was in the middle of a feud pitting he and his D-Generation X cohort Shawn Michaels against Rated RKO over the tag team gold. During their championship match at New Year's Revolution against Edge and Randy Orton, Helmsley tore his right quad while delivering a spinebuster to Orton. Proving that the first time wasn't a fluke, Hunter again finished the match, including delivering a Pedigree to Edge on an announce table, in a match that eventually finished in a no-contest. DX had the champs reeling after this match and were primed to take the gold. Which is why again, the injury couldn't have come at a more inopportune time as inner turmoil was beginning to tear Rated RKO apart and the feud was nearing its end. Shawn Michaels would win the tag team championship with John Cena a little more than three weeks later. A reign that was definitely earmarked for DX that was instead used as a beginning for a feud between Michaels and Cena over the WWE Championship.

JV Vernola has been a wrestling fan since he was three (around the same time Hogan was bodyslamming Andre) and has been able to write almost as long. He lives in the scorched earth that is the Arizona desert while trying to maintain awesomeness.