WWE: 10 Injuries With The Worst Timing Possible

6. Shawn Michaels Injures His Knee

After defeating Sycho Sid at the Royal Rumble in his hometown of San Antonio for his second WWE Championship, Shawn Michaels had seemingly cemented his place in the main event at WrestleMania for the third year in a row. Michaels had earned his spot at the top of the company by being one of the WWE's biggest risk takers, recklessly diving off and over the top rope to the thrill and delight of fans everywhere. Those risks caught up to the "Heartbreak Kid" and by February 1997 the damage to his body, specifically his knee, was to the point that doctors were suggesting that Michaels hang the boots up and call it a career. On a special edition of Raw, "The Showstopper" surrendered the WWE Championship to Vince McMahon citing the injuries and "losing his smile" as his reason for surrendering the coveted title. This is by far the most controversial entry on the list as some question the legitimacy of the injury to this day. At the time Michaels had the reputation in the locker room of being egotistical and sometimes downright spoiled. The rumour was that Michaels conjured the injury in order to skirt a match with Bret Hart, whom Michaels had legitimate heat with, at WrestleMania 13. Regardless, Michaels' surrender of the championship set off a two-month-long game of musical chairs that saw three men claim the WWE Championship ending with The Undertaker claiming victory and the championship at WrestleMania 13.

JV Vernola has been a wrestling fan since he was three (around the same time Hogan was bodyslamming Andre) and has been able to write almost as long. He lives in the scorched earth that is the Arizona desert while trying to maintain awesomeness.