WWE: 10 Lasting Legacies Of The Undertaker (Other Than The Streak)

7. That Time He Tossed Mick Foley Off Hell In A Cell

If you asked the average wrestling fan what the most famous Undertaker match is, you might get a lot of different answers. There are so many that stand out. However, there is one that maybe wasn't supposed to be that great, but after what happened it became the most unforgettable match in his career. When Undertaker faced off with Mankind (Mick Foley) at King of the Ring 1998, Foley wanted to do something special in the Hell in a Cell match. He wanted to create a memory that would last forever. Foley wanted to top what Shawn Michaels did during his 1997 HIAC match against Undertaker when he went through a table off the side of the cage. What was Foley's idea? To go off the top of the cage. Undertaker was at a point in his career where he was still a babyface although he was showing heel tendencies. It fit his badass character to book him in a match like this where he would toss a guy off the roof of a cage. As every wrestling fan knows, Undertaker threw Foley off the top of the cage and he went crashing through the Spanish announce table. The match continued, so Undertaker gave him a Chokeslam through the top of the cage. It wasn't supposed to break, but that's what happens when a 300 pounder goes into a cage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgYoYTbnPo4 In his books as well as DVDs, Foley put over the fact that even though it looked reckless, Undertaker did take care of him in the match. He also mentions that Undertaker worked the match with a foot that was probably broken, so that's another example of Undertaker's toughness.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.