WWE: 10 Life Lessons From Chris Jericho Every Man Must Follow

6. "I'm The Best In The World At What I Do"

When Jericho blasts "I'm the best in the world at what I do" it speaks for itself - be the best or go home! The truth about Jericho is he means it when he declares himself the best. Think about it, who can really claim to be better in terms of longevity as an elite wrestler and talker. Whether it is on the microphone or in the ring, Jericho always excels. He naturally has a brilliance about him, the athletic prowess and charismatic streak that ensures he is consistently at the top of the WWE when appearing. When someone like CM Punk came along and also claimed to be "the best in the world" we saw the men fight it out, Jericho raising his own game to show that he is as good as anyone in any generation. You need that personal pride in life, the drive to keep on wanting to be the best. Even if you fall short of being the greatest, the fact you tried will almost certainly always put you near the top of your goals.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.