WWE: 10 Most Memorable Moments In Royal Rumble History

1. Vince McMahon Eliminates Stone Cold, Wins The Rumble (1999)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIN-xaKlWLI Probably the best-booked Royal Rumble match in history, the hype surrounding the 1999 Rumble was insane, as Vince McMahon forced Stone Cold Steve Austin to enter at #1 and told him that he had "no chance in hell" of winning, leading to the infamous theme song that has accompanied Vince ever since. Adding to the excitement was not only McMahon being in the Rumble himself (and at the command of Commissioner Shawn Michaels, he would be entering at #2), but Vince placing a bounty of $100,000 on Austin's head for whoever eliminated him. The match itself was as brilliantly unpredictable as the Rumble has ever been, with McMahon taking flight under the ropes, at which point Austin chased him into the arena's hall areas and eventually to the toilets, where Vince's Corporation were lying in wait, and gave Austin a severe beatdown. Austin ends up being carted off in an ambulance, only to re-emerge later, making it to the final two with McMahon. Despite stomping a mudhole in Vince, the tide turns when The Rock shows up and taunts Austin, allowing Vince to take advantage and throw Stone Cold out, winning the Rumble. Yep, the boss won the Rumble, and better yet, it didn't seem forced at all. It was unexpected and yet made total sense, even though it did totally devalue the Rumble match, as Vince vacated his WWF Title shot (which would have meant fighting his buddy The Rock), causing Commissioner Michaels to award the shot to the runner-up, Stone Cold. Still, what a match, and what a moment. What other classic Rumble moments do you love? Sound off in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.