WWE: 10 Moments From The PG-Era That Made You Mark Out

1. The Summer Of Punk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzhnpH6d5FQ It started with "The shoot heard around the world" as CM Punk took a seat on the Raw stage clad in a Stone Cold Steve Austin shirt and unleashed a tirade about the WWE and his own professional future as he revealed that his contract expired the night of the Money in the Bank pay-per-view event that he was challenging for John Cena's WWE Championship belt for the first time ever. The weeks that followed saw Punk continue his worked shoots, constantly using the banned moniker of 'wrestler' while promoting himself as the Best in the World. In Punk's hometown of Chicago, the Money in the Bank event saw Christian win the World Heavyweight Championship and Daniel Bryan capture the Money in the Bank briefcase to signal that Punk had begun a movement in philosophy as WWE were providing crowd pleasing moments. So heading into the main event the excitement was at an all time high. Would WWE put the title on a man whose contracted expired that night? And would he get to beat Cena for it? The match itself had one of the most partisan crowds ever seen on a WWE show as the crowd were aggressively pro-Punk and anti-Cena. As the match went on Mr McMahon and John Laurinaitis came out to attempt to screw Punk out of the contest but Cena refused to go along with it. This allowed Punk the chance to win the title. But McMahon had one more ace up his sleeve in Money in the Bank holder Alberto Del Rio. The boss failed to stop Punk though as he knocked Del Rio down long enough to escape before the cash-in was official, only stopping to blow a kiss to the boss on his way out. What moments from the "PG Era" made you just completely mark out? Sound off in the comments below.
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CM Punk
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.