WWE: 10 Moments From The PG-Era That Made You Mark Out

8. Christian Wins The World Heavyweight Championship

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zihdu2WXQNw Christian has been popular amongst the internet community for years. Back when he was Captain Charisma in WWE, through his Christian Cage days in TNA and once again upon returning to WWE. Christian actually won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship twice during his run with TNA and so was returning to the WWE as a former World Champion, not that they would ever acknowledge it but he had proven he could do it. Since returning to WWE he had won the ECW Championship twice but it wasn't quite a recognised World Championship in the WWE's eyes. At WrestleMania XXVII Christian was in the corner of his best friend Edge as he successfully defended the World Heavyweight Championship against Royal Rumble winner Alberto Del Rio. Christian would face Del Rio in a number one contenders match on the following SmackDown and lose to him to set up a WrestleMania rematch at Extreme Rules. However Edge was suddenly forced to retire the following week and Christian was put in Edge's place after winning a battle royal to compete in a Ladder Match for the vacant title. With Del Rio expected to win at WrestleMania and Christian simply being a sub-in, everything seemed to point to Del Rio winning the championship. Nonetheless Christian began to climb up the ladder unchallenged until he was stopped by the interference of Del Rio's bodyguard Brodus Clay. After taking advantage of the situation it would be Alberto who would stand atop the ladder about to reach up to the championship when the sound of a car horn distracted the Mexican. The sound came from Edge driving out and providing a big enough distraction for Christian to tip the ladder and send Alberto crashing onto Clay and Ricardo Rodriguez. Christian climbed the ladder as Edge, now at ringside, cheered on his best friend. Christian won the championship and an emotional celebration ensued between the two while the Tampa crowd went wild.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.