WWE: 10 Moments From The PG-Era That Made You Mark Out

7. The YES Night

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNhTzUNr9jM April 2 2012, the Miami Airlines Arena provided a Raw crowd like never before. After the disappointment of WrestleMania XXVIII's World Heavyweight Championship match that saw Daniel Bryan drop the title in 18 seconds, the Miami crowd the previous night had chanted for him for the first hour of the event, only stopped by the beginning of one of the headline matches. But on this night there would be no stopping the audience. This was the first crowd that rebelled against WWE and their booking, that were no longer willing to sit around and accept seeing their favourites held down while the main event scene remained stagnant. Hometown hero and triumphant victor in the previous nights main event, The Rock, opened the show and made the major announcement that he wanted to challenge for the WWE Championship (when he returned). CM Punk had a good match with Mark Henry while continuing his stellar feud with Chris Jericho who attacked the Straight Edge champion with a bottle of Jack Daniels. But the true story of the night was the crowd continuing their support for Daniel Bryan. Every segment of the show had some kind of chant aimed at Bryan, whether it be his name or his signature "Yes" catchphrase no-one was safe. The Rock got interrupted by "Yes" chants, Alberto Del Rio received "Si" chants and the man who defeated him at WrestleMania, Sheamus, became the most hated man in the building (except perhaps John Cena who himself received "Yes" and "Daniel Bryan" chants). Whilst Bryan did not appear on the show besides a quick backstage interview, he did feature in the untelevised dark match after Raw which saw him pick up the victory and cut a short promo to thank the fans for their support. He even got a cheer for telling fellow internet darling AJ Lee to shut up. The legacy of this crowd can still be seen to this day with the post-WrestleMania Raw in 2013 featuring similar rebellious antics (including the birth of Fandangoing), this years Royal Rumble event and many after it. But the night had one last surprise left in store...
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CM Punk
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.