WWE: 10 Moments From The PG-Era That Made You Mark Out

6. Brock Lesnar Returns

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjGo2m7XnQk The ending segment of "The Yes Night" saw John Cena come out and address the hostile Miami crowd about his loss in the "Once" in a Lifetime match with The Rock. The crowd were ruthless, chanting "You're a loser" amongst the boos and "Yes" chants in reaction to Cena acknowledging speculation that he may finally lash out at the WWE Universe. This was one of the most hostile crowds that Cena has ever faced and so the stage was set perfectly for anyone who opposed him to get a good response. But when combined with who that star was, Miami came unglued. Making an unlikely return to WWE after 8 years and a run in UFC, Brock Lesnar was the man to interrupt the speech of the man who at the time the fans had adopted calling Fruity Pebbles. The return never seemed truly likely after his infamous leaving match against Bill Goldberg at WrestleMania XX that saw both men booed from the arena. No matter how unlikely the return was, strong rumours had broken out earlier in the day that Lesnar had penned a deal and was in attendance that night. Given that this was the closing section of the show, fans knew that this was their only chance to see him that night and began chanting "We want Lesnar" over Cena's speech. They only got silenced when Cena started endlessly complimenting the hometown hero The Rock, calling him to the ring to do so to his face. The crowd interrupted him again to call for Lesnar, which seemed to actually knock Cena off his game a little. Eventually Cena faced the titantron and the man the crowd had chanted for made his anticipated return. Lesnar didn't need to say a word, simply around and F5 Cena to send the crowd home happy.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.