WWE: 10 Moments From The PG-Era That Made You Mark Out

3. Dolph Ziggler Cashes In

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKqtFqpRLEk For months people had sat with baited breath asking one simple question: "When will Dolph Ziggler cash in his Money in the Bank contract?" Not just fans but commentators and fellow wrestlers, as Dolph was in danger of being saddled with the gimmick of being afraid to take the risk. This was despite the fact Dolph had defended the contract successfully in a Ladder Match against John Cena in December, and had aligned with AJ Lee and Big E Langston. Yet still there was an air of doubt surrounding whether he would actually win the title. Fans had believed Dolph would cash in at WrestleMania following the match between champion Alberto Del Rio and newly repackaged challenger Jack Swagger, mostly due to fans lack of interest in the match itself. It didn't happen, so hopes were low the following night on Raw when the two had a non-title rematch. But when Swagger left the champion injured and vulnerable hopes were raised and Ziggler delivered, cashing in and capturing the title. The celebration was a display of raw passion as Dolph roared in victory, AJ actually shed a tear and even bodyguard Langston couldn't hide a smile. A true goosebump moment.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.