WWE: 10 Most Devastating Tag Team Finishing Moves Of All Time

2. Legion Of Doom - Doomsday Device

There's probably not a better definition of a "classic" tag team finisher than LOD's Doomsday Device. It was the quintessential melding of brute physicality and high-risk offense that Hawk and Animal pretty much invented in their days with the NWA. Fans would jump out of their seats when they saw Animal hoist the usually lifeless and terrified opponent onto his shoulders, and they'd absolutely lose their minds when Hawk would ascend to the top turnbuckle. The look on the face of whoever was being lifted into position was priceless, because you could always see just a little bit of honest fear in their eyes. And you'd be frightened to if Hawk was about to launch himself off the turnbuckle with a "clothesline from hell" just for you. Depending on how nice the typically stiff-working Animal was feeling that night, he'd either soften the blow by falling into a back body drop or simply let the clothesline send them twisting through the air and crashing to the mat. Ruthless.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.