WWE: 10 Most Devastating Tag Team Finishing Moves Of All Time

1. Dudley Boyz - 3D

When considering the unequivocally greatest tag team move of all time, it was pretty much neck-and-neck between The Dudley Boyz and Legion of Doom. What ultimately gave Bubba Ray and D-Von the edge is the versatility of their Dudley Death Drop. Like Randy Orton's RKO, the 3D could pretty much appear out of nowhere at the drop of a hat. Sure, sometimes they'd let the crowd relish the moment by calling it out beforehand, but it was just as likely that they'd drop a 3D while you were busy trying to remember if you locked your car door. It didn't matter the angle, or the surroundings, or whether Bubba was even in the ring when D-Von initially hoisted the opponent into the air for his dawdling version of the flapjack. Whatever the situation, Bubba was going to get there in time to cutter the hell out of them. And the fact that they could seamlessly toss a table into the mix, thus elevating the impact and general badassery of the maneuver with a little extra wood, makes the 3D a more diverse and devastating tandem finisher than anything else you could probably dream up.
Which other tag team finishers belong on this list? Share your favourites below in the comments thread.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.