WWE: 10 Most Devastating Tag Team Finishing Moves Of All Time

9. Midnight Express - Rocket Launcher

Any move that involves one team member catapulting their teammate is a treat, mostly because it shows a strange amount of disregard for the person being thrown. Isn't launching someone through the air usually done to inflict a whole bunch of damage on that person? Short answer: Apparently not when that person is volunteering to be used as a lawn dart. In all the variations of the Midnight Express, which included as many as 6 different combinations of 11 wrestlers that stretched across every single major promotion, there was one constant: somebody was getting hurled off the top turnbuckle and splashing down on at least one of their opponents. The move was popularized by "Loverboy" Dennis Condrey and "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, but it was perfected by Bob Holly and Bart Gunn (aka The New Midnight Express). No one soared quite as majestically through the air, while achieving as much hang-time and crashing as hard onto the unlucky opponent quite as deftly as Holly. It wasn't the most complicated tag team move, but that didn't make it any less spectacular.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.