WWE: 10 Most Devastating Tag Team Finishing Moves Of All Time

6. Power And Glory - Power Plex

This oddball team of Hercules and Paul Roma was united out of an irrational disdain for The Rockers, which centered around one incident that involved The Rockers coming to the ring for a scheduled match while Roma was still hanging out in the ring after his prior match. A confrontation occurred that evolved into a shoving match and Hercules coming out for some reason. It was...weird. And indeed, the pairing felt a little cobbled together at the time. But holy hell did this slapdash team have some amazing chemistry in the ring, exemplified by their ideal blend of brawn and agility. That deadly combo was put into motion for their ruinous finisher, the Power Plex. Hercules showcased his forcefulness with a superplex, while Roma simultaneously leapt off the turnbuckle from the next corner, splashing onto the opponent as soon as his back hit the mat.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.