WWE: 10 Most Devastating Tag Team Finishing Moves Of All Time

5. MNM - Snapshot

The highly underrated and unfortunately short-lived pairing of Joey Mercury and John(ny) Nitro/Morrison never failed to hold up their end in the ring. Natural successors to the likes of The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian, MNM had panache oozing out of their orifices. With their ego-maniacal gimmick and a penchant for performing moves simply for the sake of looking cool (which they always did), The Snapshot managed to both look cool and traumatic for the recipient. While Mercury lifted the opponent up for a flapjack, he held them in position just long enough to throw in a bit of taunting and allow his tag partner to come in and put some extra stank on it with a swift DDT. Seamless.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.