WWE: 10 Most Show Stealing Chris Jericho Performances

10. Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg (Bad Blood 2003)

World Championship Wrestling was the site of what should have been a career-making feud for Chris Jericho. The incredibly over Canadian had built a persona for himself that captivated audiences and helped him connect with the audience in a way that smaller and Cruiserweight stars like himself were not allowed. In the process of doing so, he targeted the biggest dog in the yard in Goldberg. The television leading up to what should have been a huge, marquee match between them was outstanding and put the future Y2J on the map as one of the most must-see stars in professional wrestling. Unfortunately, ego and backstage politics played a major role in the eventual blowoff match never occurring. That would not be the case five years later when Goldberg made his debut in Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Entertainment. After dispatching of The Rock in his first major pay-per-view bout at Backlash, Goldberg became the target of his former rival. The two engaged in a bitter rivalry both in front of and behind the camera, making their match at Bad Blood one of the most anticipated in all of WWE. How would the opponents work together? What quality of match would they produce on a show that did not look particularly strong on paper? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x11835z_wwe-bad-blood-2003-chris-jericho-vs-goldberg_sport The answers came in a show-stealing match between the two, a match carried heavily by a motivated Jericho. Hell bent on proving to Goldberg that he was every bit the performer he was, despite not having the name recognition outside of the sport that the bald-headed, goatee-sporting star did. Jericho proved his mastery of the art by making Goldberg look infinitely better than he was at that point in the career, delivering the very best match he could with the limited worker. While there are better matches featuring Y2J to be found, it is difficult to point to a single performance in which he showed just how great he really was than the night he got every ounce of effort possible out of Goldberg. Easily Goldberg's finest performance in WWE, a testament to Jericho's ability and professionalism.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.