WWE: 10 Most Terrible Wrestling T-Shirts Of All Time

2. The Corre

Before I started thinking about this article I had almost forgotten the Corre even existed. For anyone else who had pushed this terrible memory out of their heads, the Corre was a short lived faction than was born of a split in the Nexus. The Nexus was new, edgy and cool. Almost the complete opposite of the Corre in every way. The Corre proclaimed itself to be leaderless and that all members were equals, sort of a wrestling version of the "Occupy" movement, only with even less direction. Somehow during their five month existence, the Corre managed to spit out a piece of merchandise. To begin with, I'm still not entirely sure what the extra "R" in the name signified, and would have struggled to explain it to any non-wrestling fan who asked about it. In addition, for seemingly no reason at all, the "O" in Corre featured some kind of Iron Man arc reactor. Fans who ordered Corre t-shirts probably wouldn't have been too disappointed if they were accidentally sent t-shirts of Irish group the Corrs instead. One things for sure, I'd rather listen to the Corrs than to the Corre's entrance music ever again. My head hurts from writing Corre so much.
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I''m a freelance media producer and writer. Im into sports, gaming, TV and music but I mostly write about wrestling. Thanks for reading!