WWE: 10 New Main Eventers For 2014

9. Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns

This one is pretty obvious. Roman Reigns has been dominating everyone lately. Watching him spear people in half makes my ribs hurt watching at home. If you were to ask who would be the first WWE Champion out of all the members of The Shield when they debuted, I doubt many people would have picked Roman Reigns. Not many people even knew who he was. While I do think Ambrose and Rollins will eventually find their way to the main event, I don't think either of them will make it there next year. Reigns is on the fast track, and I wouldn't even be surprised to see him in the Unified/ Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Championship (or whatever they decide to call it) right after WrestleMania.
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Austin Spenney is a life long wrestling fan. One day he was flipping through the channels and came to The Godfather's entrance. He's been hooked ever since. Austin is more optimistic than most fans. He even enjoys a John Cena match every once in a while even though he would much rather watch CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins any day.