WWE: 10 New Main Eventers For 2014

8. Damien Sandow

damien sandow Damien Sandow is on his way to the Intercontinental Title feud, which will be a much bigger deal after this Sunday. Even though nobody expects him to win, it's still a pretty good position to be in. He usually puts on a good match when given the chance. His title match with Cena and hardcore matches with Ziggler were all very entertaining. His gimmick is unlike anyone else's on the roster. He can beat you in a match, and make you feel stupid all at the same time. They say you have to beat your opponent mentally and physically, and Sandow is smart enough to beat any one of his opponents mentally before he steps between the ropes. While his mental battles may not be terrifying like The Undertaker's of The Wyatt Family's, it could still be very effective. If you make your opponents so mad that they can't think, than they won't be able to out wrestle you.
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Austin Spenney is a life long wrestling fan. One day he was flipping through the channels and came to The Godfather's entrance. He's been hooked ever since. Austin is more optimistic than most fans. He even enjoys a John Cena match every once in a while even though he would much rather watch CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins any day.