WWE: 10 Notoriously Difficult To Work With Wrestlers

9. The Ultimate Warrior

Let us prefix this entry with a simple statement: The Ultimate Warrior was and still is undoubtedly one of the greatest wrestling icons of all time. He was one of my heroes as a kid and both then and now, I preferred him to Hulk Hogan. Having said that, there is no getting away from the fact that he was a run away hoss, a big man who could sometimes get overexcited in the ring and injure his opponents. The very exuberance that made him a global superstar also often saw him get a little carried away and forget the safety of his opponents. One too many stiff shots, one too many awkward landings and his opponents would often come off worse for wear. With Warrior, there isn't any one incident to point to. It's almost the same thing as Brock Lesnar, the difference being Lesnar lets his opponents know what to expect beforehand. Often, Warrior would hit the ring for one of his many squash matches and be a law unto himself, not allowing his opponent to take the proper care any professional wrestler should be afforded.

Just a jolly ol' pop culture nerd living just outside London in England. I dabble in a little bit of everything but specialise in wrestling, gaming and comic books.